Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tutorial 2: Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the spreadsheet application for computers running Windows operating system, also available on Macintosh computers.
The cells in spreadsheets can hold both numbers and text data. Excel is proficient in managing data from simple operations such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and applying formulas to particularly large numbers, as well operating textual information resourcefully; for instance, finding text information in large arrays of data and sort substantial inventory of text by using one of Excel's strength, the Pivot Tables.
It sounds complicated; however, it is a feature that, once learned, can aggregate data and show a new perspective with few clicks.

How to create reports
By clicking on the Insert tab of the ribbon and then clicking on Insert PivotTable, a new worksheet will open up. Now, it all depends on the question(s) asked. Based on the question asked, you simply drag the data into one of the four areas – Row Labels, Column Labels, Values, and Report Filter. The row and column labels become the report headings.
Total quantities will be automatically calculated and filters can be added, building a more specific report. After a pivot table is created, few more mouse clicks quickly pivot the data illustrating different outlines (Oh! Now I understand the name!). Then, once the pivot table is arranged, it is possible to create pivot charts with graphical snapshots of the summary.

Preparing Your Data
Before a pivot table can be created, it is necessary to organize the data in a way that Excel can use - data in an Excel workbook, or in an external database, or in a text file. Guidelines to obtain the finest results:
*Organize the data in rows and columns with each row containing information about one record.
*The first row must contain column headings, with a short, descriptive, unique heading for each column.
*Each column should contain only one type of data, such as dates, numbers or text.
*Separate data into multiple columns instead of all in one column.
*Do not include any completely blank columns within the data.
*Separate the data from other items in the Excel worksheet, and if possible, store it on a separate sheet.

Now you can create your own pivot tables
If you want to astound your boss or your clients with remarkable reports, spend an hour or two learning the basics of pivot tables by using the icon Help from Microsoft Excel or on the Microsoft website.
Not quite happy yet? Watch this video:

Images  Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables by Professor Eric Olson - University of Florida
               Microsoft Excel worksheets edited via Photoshop Elements 6.0
Text        http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/pivottable

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